Monday, October 18, 2010

Week of Oct.18 The Cask of Amontillado

Level Two Question-
Is alcohol the reason for his demise?

Level Three Question-
Is it worth risking your life over something you really want?


  1. 1. Alcohol is the reason for Fortunato's demise because throughout the entire story, Fortunato (being drunk and a bit of a liar when it comes to his so called wealth and recognizing the different types of alcohol) wanted nothing more than to taste alcohol (especially the rare Spanish Sherry wine, Amontillado.)" I broke and reached hi a flagon of De Grave. He emptied it at a breath. His eyes flashed with a fierce light. He laughed and threw the bottle upward with a gesticulation I did not understand."(page 194 of "The Cask of Amontillado.") De Grave is a type of expensive French wine meaning 'of the grave.' This word in this paragraph is meant to be used in a "play on words" for the suspense that Fortunado shall reach his demise.
    2. I do not think it is worth risking someone's own life over something he or she really wants because if that person does not know the consequences of having something he or she truly wants, then that person will not care about that certain type of object anymore. That person may never know if the consequences of obtaining a certain object could be as serious as death. Also, sometimes humans may want something at first. However as time goes on, some of those humans may start to have the feeling that they do not want to obtain that object anymore. “‘The Amontillado!' ejaculated my friend, not yet recovered from his astonishment...I soon uncovered a quantity of building stone and mortar. With these materials and with the aid of my trowel, I began vigorously to wall up the entrance of the niche."(page 195 of "The Cask of Amontillado.") The protagonist (Fortunato) desires to have a taste of Amontillado. As a result, Fortunato ends up getting sealed to the entrance of a niche by his so called friend, Montresor when Montresor found out about Fortunato's drunkenness and lies of how much Fortunato knew so much about wine(even though in actuality an Amontillado is no different from a Sherry.)(Athena Baker.)(first time.)


    Above is a link to a picture of Amontillado. In the story, the Amontillado happens to be the villain since it made Fortunado want to get drunk even more. It also revealed(in a way) the truth behind Fortunado's wealth and expertiese in wines.


    Above is a link to a picture of a scene of Montresor sealing up Fortunado. Throughout the entire story, Montresor is jealous of Fortunado's wealth and expertiese in wines(even though in actuality Montresor knows that Fortunado is a fraud.) So to satisfy Fortunado's taste for Amonillado, Montresor simply takes Fortunado to his cellar(and finally to the crypt)and brick him up while Fortunado was still drunk. While Montresor was bricking Fortunado up however, he starts to have a feeling of guilt for the action he is doing to Fortunado. " My heart grew sick-on account of the dampness of the catacombs."(page 196.) The reason for his guilt is because he feels as though he is doing something wrong by making Fortunado face a harsh punishement. He knows that Fortunado can be very arrogent at times and that is just human nature. (Athena Baker.) (Above comment is also by Athena Baker.)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. 1. The Amontillado is the reason for Fortunado's demise because it was one of the reasons why Fortunado decided to get drunk. It also was the reason why his "friend", Montresor was jealous of him and wanted to kill him(even though Montresor knew all along Fortunado was nothing but a drunkard quack. Fortunado's repressed emotions happen to be the truth on his wealth(as well as his drunkness.) " 'The Amontillado!' ejaculated my friend, not yet recovered from his astonishment...I soon uncovered a quantity of building stone and mortar. With these materials and with the aid of my trowel, I began vigorously to wall up the entrance to the niche."(page 195.) To Fortunado, the Amontillado was an opportunity to prove himself very worthy and sort of wealthy. To Montresor, the Amontillado was a chance to trap Fortunado and teach him a lesson that he shall never forget for a long, long time.
    2. It is not worth risking something you really want because if the consequences of obtaining a certain object would consist of something as terrible as death, then there would be no point of risking someone's own life in obtaining something that may not be valuable to others. However, if the object were to be of true value/worth to that person and other people, then it would be worth risking something to obtain that object because the consequences are much more positive(despite the small amounts of negativeness sprinkled around it.) Of course there are some situations in which it is not foolish to risk something you really want to have(such as trying to get straight A's or getting an advance on an allowence. These types of activities do not involve super extreme consequences like getting poisoned.) "'Luchesi cannot tell Amontillado from Sherry.'(Fortunado.) 'And yet some fools will have it that his taste is a match for your own.'(Montresor.) 'Come, let us go.''Whither?''To your vaults.''My friend, no;I will not impose upon your good nature. I perceive you have an engagement. Luchesi-'(page 192.) To Fortunado, he thinks that obtaining Amontillado can make him feel like a king. To Montresor however, he thinks that Fortunado is a fool(of course, Fortunado is very stubborn and does not think of the consequences first.)
    (Athena Baker.) (Second time.)


    Above is a link to a picture of a label of De Grave wine. De Grave is very expensive French wine and it literally means "Of the grave." In the story, Montresor hands Fortunado a bottle of De Grave. Finding the bottle somewhat "normal", Fortunado decided to chug all of it down his throat and forget about the wine(wanting instead the Amontillado.) The word "De Grave" is a play on words meaning suspense and the horrible fate that will befall on Fortunado later on in the story.

  7. The October 21,2010 picture posted and description was done by Athena Baker.

  8. 1.The alcohol/Amontillado was the cause as to how Fortunado lead himself to his demise because throughout the entire story, Fortunado wanted to do nothing more than to drink alcohol (especially the rare Spanish Sherry wine, Amontillado.) So as an excuse for him becoming a drunkard, he decided that he should drink more wine (especially expensive wines) so he can declare him a very wealthy man and connoisseur in the field of wine (in reality however, Fortunado was nothing but a drunkard quack.) It was also one of the reasons why Fortunado’s “friend”, Montresor decided to trick Fortunado into getting sealed up inside the catacombs. “‘Drink,’I (Montresor) said, presenting him the wine. He raised it to his lips with a leer. He paused and nodded to me familiarly, while his bells jingled. ‘I drink,’ said he (Fortunado) ‘to the buried that repose around us.’ “(page 193.) Fortunado’s drunkenness happens to be what Fortunado is trying to repress. As for the words, “to the buried that repose around us”, that is foreshadowing the end of Fortunado’s life coming.
    2. There are times when it is alright to risk getting something you really want and there are times when it is not alright to risk. As for me, I believe it depends on the type of situation occurring and for what cause you are trying to achieve. For example, in the story, Fortunado only wants to drink the Amontillado because for one he thinks it will make himself a very wealthy and connoisseur in wine(in reality he’s not. )Also, he is just using that as an excuse to make himself even more of a drunkard. That is something no one should risk their life for since there is no actual real good result to that. “’ The Amontillado!' ejaculated my friend (Fortunado), not yet recovered from his astonishment...I (Montresor) soon uncovered a quantity of building stone and mortar. With these materials and with the aid of my trowel, I began vigorously to wall up the entrance to the niche."(page 195.) Because of Fortunado wanting to drink the Amontillado so badly, Fortunado risked himself getting into a really dangerous situation with a person he once trusted. Although the result of Fortunado’s willingness to taste Amontillado would be that he has found a way in which he feels much more “special”, it did not give Montresor any benefits except for the fact that he managed to teach Fortuado a lesson he shall never forget. As for a situation when it is appropriate to risk something that you really want, that would be something where the positive consequences really outweigh the negative consequences (such as trying to do very good in school so you can get an award.) Of course sometimes, even situations in which you really want to obtain something can have some negative consequences as well. However, as long as precautions are taken, then the results of obtaining a certain object can be rather satisfying. "'Luchesi cannot tell Amontillado from Sherry.'(Fortunado.) 'And yet some fools will have it that his taste is a match for your own.'(Montresor.) 'Come, let us go.’ ‘Whither?’To your vaults.’ My friend, no; I will not impose upon your good nature. I perceive you have an engagement. Luchesi-'(page 192.) To Fortunado, he thinks that obtaining Amontillado can make him feel like a king. To Montresor however, he thinks that Fortunado is a fool (of course, Fortunado is very stubborn and does not think of the consequences first. (Athena Baker.) (Third time.)

    Level Two Question-
    Is alcohol the reason for his demise?
    I believe that alcohol is the reason for Fortunato's demise because if he hadn't of been drunk he might have been a little more wary of going so far down into these catacombs just to find a rare Sherry, Amontillado. Fortunato made the statement "Something worth dieing for," very true, because he gave his life just to be able to taste the Amontillado, so he could feel a little bit better about himself, but either way he was a fake. All Fortunato wanted to do was get drunk and be able to repress his emotions that he was a drunker and he wasn't someone who could tell a sherry from amontillado (which are the same basic thing).

    Level Three Question-
    Is it worth risking your life over something you really want?
    For Fortunato losing his life in a mission to get the Amontillado was probably something he would be ok in losing his life over. Alcohol was something he was passionate for. He loved alcohol, but not in the way that he should have loved it. He only wanted it so he could get drunk and not remember that he is a fake. The man felt insulted by something the Fortunato had said. I think Fortunato might have been drunk when he insulted the man and if Fortunato hadn't been drinking then he would of been able to stop himself and he would not have been locked up in the catacombs and die a death because he didn't watch his alcoholism.

  10. Is alcohol the reason for his demise?

    In my opinion alcohol is the reason for Fortunato’s demise. The reason I believe this is because his wanting to be drunk is what led him into the catacombs and eventually to his downfall. The reader notices this when they first encounter Fortunato he is already pretty drunk and once inside the catacomb he downs another full glass of wine which makes him even more intoxicated. “I broke and reached him a flagon of De Grave. He emptied it at a breath. His eyes flashed with a fierce light. He laughed and threw the bottle upward with a gesticulation I did not understand”(Page 194, paragraph 4). The signifigance of this quote is that De Grave is a rare, expensive wine and Fortunato drains the whole bottle and chucks it afterwards. This shows that he has no appreciation for fine wine, he just wants to be drunk.

    Is it worth risking your life over something you really want?

    I believe that it is wroth risking your life for something that you really want, because if you’re not willing to put your life on the line to get it, there’s always someone else who will. When I say something you want, I’m not referring to something simple, like wine, I mean something like a dream you’re chasing.

    Cypress Austin- First time

  11. 1.
    I believe that alcohol is the reason for Fortunato’s demise. I think that it is simply because the only reason he went into the catacomb’s was because he wanted to drink the Amontillado. The reader notices this when Montresor keeps offering to guide Fortunato out of the catacombs and back to the carnival, but Fortunato wants the wine so bad that he rather continue through and drink the wine. “ “Come.” I said, with decision, “we will go back; your health is precious. You are rich, respected, admired, beloved; you are happy, as I once was. You are a man to be missed. For me it is no matter. We will go back; you will be ill, and I cannot be responsible. Besides, there is Luchesi…” “Enough,” he said, “the cough is a mere nothing; it will not kill me. I shall not die of a cough.”(Page 193, paragraph 7)Also, Fortunato says “Luchesi cannot tell Amontillado from Sherry”(Page 192, paragraph 5) which shows his lack of knowledge about the wine and that he just wants to drink it. If he hadn’t wanted to be drunk he would not have died this way.

    I think it is worth risking your life for something that you want. But when I say something you really want, I mean something that has real significance to you and can impact your life. However, I don’t think that Fortunato’s want was significant enough to risk his life over. He basically died because he wanted to be drunk and was fooled into the catacombs where he met his demise.

    Cypress Austin- Second time

  12. 1.
    Once again, I believe that the alcohol was the reason for Fortunato’s demise; I also believe that the alcohol is the antagonist in this story. I think that the alcohol was the reason for his demise because if he didn’t want to drink so much, he wouldn’t have followed Montresor into the catacombs and ultimately wouldn’t have met his demise. One way I know he just wanted to be drunk is because he didn’t even care about the rareness and value of the wine, he just wanted to drink it to be drunk. Fortunato says “Luchesi cannot tell Amontillado from Sherry”(Page 192, paragraph 5) which shows his lack of knowledge because Amontillado is a Sherry. Also Fortunato drains an entire bottle of another expensive wine and then chucks the bottle, which again shows his lack of knowledge and shows the reader that he isn’t the “wine connoisseur” he claims to be. “I broke and reached him a flagon of De Grave. He emptied it at a breath. His eyes flashed with a fierce light. He laughed and threw the bottle upward with a gesticulation I did not understand”(Page 194, paragraph 4). Another reason alcohol was the reason for his demise is because, essentially, the wine is non-existent and he has no proof that it is. His need to be intoxicated is what leads him to his death, literally. I believe that the alcohol is the antagonist because it shows his repressed emotions, which is that he is a drunkard and it proves to the reader that he is a “quack”.

    I believe that some things in life are important enough to risk your life for. However, in this story I don’t believe that Fortunato’s reason to risk his life was important at all. I think that if something has a lot of significance to you, then you should do anything and everything necessary to achieve or gain whatever it is you’re chasing. Or maybe even risking your life for somebody you love, but I think that Fortunato’s reason was very foolish and he died for nothing.

    Cypress Austin- Final (third) time


    I was curious to know what a catacomb looked like.... above is link to a few pictures of one.
